B.O.C.C (Bionic Operator Control Center) are special bionic computers whose was purpose was to control the gray goo.

but one day, they could no longer be controlled and now they've begun their brutal rampage.

You, the most advanced version of B.O.C.C must go straight into the eye of the storm in order to stop them before it's too late!

only one problem, your aircraft has no weapon other than a shock wave and is almost entirely dependent on an external weapon capable of creating shock waves in various forms, but is also much less mobile than itself.

Will you be able to survive and plow your way into the eye of the storm?

Into the swarm is a prototype created following "VimJam 2: Boss [8 Bits to Infinity]", inspired by 1942 and Chicken Invasive-style games, and tries to be true to their retro style with some modern points.

This is the first game I have ever made in this way and although it's not the most stable game in the world, I'm proud of it that I managed to meet the goal that I've failed so many times before.

It's unbalanced and difficult, but that's because there was no time, so I hope you'll forgive me on that front.

How to play:

arrow to move the ship

moving the mouse moving the shooter unless the lock-auto its active

to shot press in the left-mouse

to shot the sonic charge press on space

R for reset Esc to back to the menu

for optimal game-play, stay on the resolt of 640X640.


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